“One of the basic principles of the concluded agreement is the obligation of the Žatec brewery to continue in the traditional method of brewing beer and using only conventional ingredients, which we consider to be an extremely important signal to our consumers,” said Martin Kec, an Executive of Žatecký pivovar, spol. s r.o.
Currently the brewery brews a total of 11 varieties and brands of beer. The best-selling product was the same as in previous years, Žatec Premium beer, an eleven degree light lager. The brewery exports a significant part of its production.
"By joining forces with Carlsberg, the Žatec brewery now has an open door to all foreign markets where Carlsberg operates, which is also an important part of the agreement," said Radek Vincík, the Sales Director of the Žatec brewery.
The cornerstone of the current brewery was laid on June 20, 1798, on the site of the former royal castle, next to the barracks. Already in 1801 the inhabitants of Žatec brewed 840 kegs (42,000 l) of beer. The brewery’s modern history began with the arrival of a new owner, British businessman Rolf Munding. He began the process of investing into production facilities, as well as into the newly developing business policy of the company žatecký pivovar spol. s r. o.
Further information will be provided at the previously announced press conference of Žatecký pivovar spol. s r. o., which will take place on April 9, 2014, in Prague.